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Vanessa Hudgens: Nude, Naked, And Real! So who Leaked it?

OMG, i cant belive vennesa did that we all make mistakes and in the words of hannah montana nobodys perfect she just a young girl and nobody should be blaming her good luck vennesa im gonna start a bpatision/b that you should me on the movie ... The bvacations/b in Hawaii, I love Vanessa and Zac, And they deserve the better thing!!! kiss. Vanessa Hudgens Nude Video - 'Open Me First' ? | lalate - largest celebrity nightlife news site said,. on September 15th, 2007 at 5:51 pm ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Movie Review: Disney#39;s High School Musical

Okay, u Diamond River guy, I agree with u, so how is you bpatision/b doing? #191 ? May 8, 2006 @ 19:49PM ? natasha. diamond river. ur sayin i sudent care if u hated it AND i ges ur rite, but then u shudent care if sum of us liked it ether. b.../b
źródło: BlogSearch

Movie Review: Disney's High School Musical

Okay, u Diamond River guy, I agree with u, so how is you patision doing? #191 ? May 8, 2006 @ 19:49PM ? natasha. diamond river. ur sayin i sudent care if u hated it AND i ges ur rite, but then u shudent care if sum of us liked it ether. ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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